This week I'm celebrating:
1) After continuing to stress out over the weekend, worry because I was falling behind on self-imposed deadlines, not sleep enough, and be over-critical of everything I did, I finally went out with a friend on Monday and she helped me regain perspective.
2) I accepted that sometimes you can't accomplish all you want in the time allotted. And it's okay.
3) When you make lists of all the things you "have" to do, don't forget to include these three:
Take time for yourself.
Enjoy your life.
Enjoy your life.
Be happy.
Do you forget to include your own happiness and welfare when you make To-Do lists?
My kind and wonderful co-hosts of Celebrate the Small Things are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Katie @ TheCyborgMom
Celebrate The Small Things Sign-Up Linky:
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Celebrate the Small Things. To be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful for that week. It can be about writing or family or school or general life. This is the funnest and easiest blog hop ever! (Originated by VikLit)
I need to paint #2 celebration on my wall, ha ha. Have a good weekend, Lexa.
#2 is something I need to remember more often. I always end up feeling so guilty whenever I can't meet one of my deadlines!
Very wise words.. so glad you're feeling better. I do this to myself all the time too... give myself crazy deadlines, which only make me stress.
I need to remember #2 more often!! This week I've stressed out, so it's nice to hear that a) I'm not the only one but also b) it's okay to calm down and take time out if you need to :). Great post!
Important to take some time for ourselves. Strange how this is often so hard to do. We all need to slow it down sometimes. have a nice weekend, Lexa.
Sometimes, you can't get it all done. And you're right - it's all right. The world will not collapse. But life is too short not to enjoy it.
Yes, I know you've seen my schedule for next month...
I do forget to add those to my list, but I am aware I do it.So, I am prone to stressing over both. lol!
Enjoy the clarity while it lasts Lexa :)
Sleep--I could use more of that. Tomorrow I have to be out of the house by 5 a.m. Ugh! Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Lexa, were you reading my mind? I have decided to 1.Take time for myself. 2. Enjoy my life. 3.Be happy. 4. Not worry about when my books will be published.
I used to have To Do Lists, but not anymore. Most things get done - eventually. I usually just forget about the rest. I now live in mañana life.
That cat and I have a lot in common this morning - how cute! There are a couple things that have to get done, but it's amazing how many 'musts' are self-imposed - like almost everything. I'm a live the flow kind of girl ;)
Love the cat. Wish mine were asleep. One put his paw on my arm at 5:45 this morning telling me it was time to wake up. He was hungry. So I fed them both.
I need to add those three items to my long list of things to do. Thanks for the advice.
Have a great weekend.
We should not forget rest and relaxation. I sometimes put it off, but my body lets me know. I got plenty of sleep this week, partly due to me being on spring break.
Glad you're feeling better. And thanks for the wise words on what we need to focus on--so true.
YES. I always do, unfortunately! I have to be better about not stressing...I've been sick for a while now and all I worry about is my writing suffering, not me. it's a bad habit!
Such important things to add to the list! I'm glad you have a friend who can help put.things in perspective... Those types of friends are precious.
Yes, I've been stressed a lot lately. It's really hard to step back and say Whoa! I'm glad your friend was able to help you do that. I hope you have a relaxing weekend!
Lexa it's always fun to read the celebrate comments. We just had a Sunday school lesson on setting aside time for yourself and scheduling it on the calendar. As for not sleeping...try some Sleepy Time really helps me have a good night's sleep.
You're absolutely right!!
Yes, I do forget to write those things on my schedule and it's been detrimental this last month. Next month - more fun, more time with family, and more relaxation on the books!
Hope you have a great weekend and some relaxation time!
Btw - love that cat picture. :)
Sometimes I forget, and then have to remind myself that I shouldn't stress. Life will happen and go on, even if I fail to do something.
I'm glad your friend helped you gain perspective!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Another thing that might help -- if you talk to yourself critically a lot, as i tend to want to do, make a rule that you can't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to others. It helps you catch those critical thoughts and realize you don't need to talk yourself down because you aren't perfect and getting it all done perfectly.
I want to be that cat right now:) I am glad you recognize that you are not Super woman and your friend helped you. Sometimes we also need to take time to just be lazy and enjoy a nice lazy day
Yep… I do that too. I always have deadlines and I always overcommit myself. Luckily I don't seem to need much sleep, so I can make it work, but taking time out for yourself is always important. Enjoy your rest.
Well, you just nailed my week too. Get some rest - I 'plan' to do the same.
I am learning that it's ok, and not selfish, to take care of me. I'm learning to not stress over the things I have to do. I am doing my best to get to the things I want to do. And I am always spreading the love!
Hopefully this will recharge your batteries so you can get back into the swing of things. <3
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
I worry I take too much time for myself and yet not enough. Enjoying my life and being happy are things I certainly need to work on.
Thanks for visiting me today.
Oh, I adore this little sweet picture! That made smile, thanks for that - hugs!
It might seem hard to believe but I've never made a "to do" list. I agree it's important to enjoy your life. This may be all there is; life is not a rehearsal.
Glad your friend was able to help you put some of the stress aside. I have to add those things to my to do list. Great advice and it came at the perfect time. Thanks. :)
YAY! What a great mood to enter the weekend in! Hope it's wonderful :)
It's so true. You have to take care of yourself first. Women are really good at putting everyone and everything else first, but sometimes you just gotta tell the world to step off, and then take some time to recenter.
Yup, so very true. When I don't get enough sleep I feel "off" and it starts to snowball so I have actual trouble sleeping. That said, I love to stay up late. It's a constant struggle.
Glad you finally got some rest. I was an overachiever for too many years and paid the price with my health. So be warned! Catherine Ensley
You've been so busy. Giving yourself permission to rest is important.
Cool post :)
Things to do lists can sometimes make us crazy. Like you rightly said it will trigger stress that is self imposed.
Well, relax...let us live life cool enjoying the present magical moment :)
Have a nice relaxed...
I think you could probably write a book about number 2 & 3!!! Good lessons to remember. Enjoy your weekend Lexa!
I tend to be hard on myself when I don't accomplish all that I wanted. I need to be easier on myself about that.
Hope you're having a great weekend!
"... sometimes you can't accomplish all you want in the time allotted. And it's okay."
Agreeing 100%.
I'm glad you're feeling better, and that your friend was able to help you ease up on yourself! :)
Sometimes we think we can do so many things in so little time, but it turns out those things being done quickly are for superhumans. Not us, I suppose. Good thing you figured that out!
I sometimes fall into the trap of thinking I can't play until my work is done. But the truth is, my work will never be done, and I need a flippin' break every now and then. Glad you gave yourself that respite.
I think a lot of us forget that part of our to do lists should always include some take care of ourselves time. I know I'm guilty of it. And Milo is right; there's always something to do we better squeeze in some fun now and then or we'll never get any!
You are correct! I wish I could stay longer in bed but for some reason my eyes open at dawn and I have to get out of bed.
You've struck a chord this week with talk of stress over self-imposed deadlines. I hear that! I have to keep reminding myself not to let excellent get in the way of good enough.
I need to get back with Celebrate the Small Stuff. And the A to Z Challenge is the perfect time to do that. I'll go back and add something to my Friday posts.
This is my favorite lolcat yet! XD
Oh, can I relate to this post! I can even related to the image. That was me a few mornings last week, and I imagine what April's going to be like.
Glad you're celebrating the acceptance that you just can't do it all. So you might as well enjoy what you can do!
Take time for yourself... thanks for the reminder!
Being too critical of yourself can be encumbering. It's good that you have a friend to help you gain perspective. Have a productive week ;-)
I'm working on a schedule for November 1, 2015 because that's when we return to Bucerias. This year my routines fall by the wast side because of a poor internet service and excellent weather. Next year, I'm going to plan a sensible work schedule and try to stick with it. things always seem easier in print.
Does Celebrate continue during A-Z challenge month?
Dixie - It sure does! But if you're in the A-Z and want to take a break from CTST, no problem. Or you can add a little "Celebrate" note to the end of your Friday A-Z posts. :)
Thanks, Lexa. I'll see what I can do this week...
Always remember to be happy and breathe. Two of the most important things, actually!
Yes, we do need to take time for ourselves!
Sigh. I'm still in that too much to do thing, not taking time for myself. Barely time to breathe. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully by June I'll catch up to where you are now. ;P
You need to care for yourself, Lex. You do so much for everyone. You deserve the same.
Yep, definitely have to roll back the stress sometimes. Beer helps. :)
Guilty as charged! I have a huge to-do list that I'm working my way through since finishing one book and before starting another, and not one thing on that list is designed to make me happy. Relieved, yes. Kept out of jail (like with paying taxes :-D), yes. In clean clothes, yes. But happy, specifically, no? Thanks for mentioning it! I might have to update that list of mine.
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