Friday, March 6, 2015

Celebrate: Beverly's Quote & Freebies

(The bad news is I'm siiiiiiiiiick.  Nasty stomach bug, but I'll survive.  The worst thing is that I was flying through my chapters, doing much better than usual...until now.  Send healing thoughts!)
Today I'm celebrating Beverly Stowe McClure, a great author and always cheerful friend, whose last IWSG post contained a very honest opinion on writing that really resonated with me because although we try, we can't control the world, only ourselves.

"I've decided not to worry whether a publisher wants my new story or not. I've done the best I can. That's all I can do. So, I get busy on another story and another, and remind myself the past is the past. I've submitted the story, no point in worrying about it. The future is uncertain, and I don't know what will happen tomorrow. All I have is today. Today, I choose to write." 
~ Beverly Stowe McClure

Beverly has 11 books published and her short stories have appeared in several anthologies.  Amazing!  See everything she’s accomplished on the Beverly Stowe McClure Amazon Author Page.

Today I choose to write too!! 
(At least as soon as I recover.)

My kind and wonderful co-hosts of Celebrate the Small Things are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Katie @ TheCyborgMom

Celebrate The Small Things Sign-Up Linky:

Grab the Linky html-code here:

 Celebrate the Small ThingsTo be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.  This is the funnest and easiest blog hop ever! (Originated by VikLit)

Foxy's Friday Freebies!

Foxy has been nosing around the net
When she finds great FREE STUFF, she'll feature it on Fridays Freebies posts -
  • Free short stories, novellas, and novels
  • Giveaways for books and swag
  • Free services for authors

Here are Foxy's suggestions for Mar 6, 2015:

Free Sci-Fi New Adult eBook – Win The Designed by Kate Tailor via rafflecopter on Mythical Books blog. Very few entries = good chance to win! (ends Mar 21)

Free Historical Romance Novel – Win a print copy of Cut From Strong Cloth by Linda Harris Sitting via rafflecopter on Juniper Grove Book Solutions – at the very bottom of her post. Few entries = good chance to win! (ends Mar 31)

Free Urban Fantasy eBook – Win 1 of 5 copies of Rememberers by C. Edward Baldwin via rafflecopter on Mythical Books blog. (ends Mar 10)

$20 Amazon or B&N Gift Card – To celebrate the release of Eclipse Lake by Mae Clair, she’s giving away a $20 gift card to Amazon or B&N (your choice) via rafflecopter on the Romance Novel Giveaways blog. (ends Mar 27)

For Foxy's other Freebies, go to the Freebie page.

If anyone has a FREE short story (for download or online at a free ezine), novella, novel, special giveaway, or author service, please let Foxy know so she can plug you here!  Write to: laura.6eg(at)


Dixie@dcrelief said...

I enjoyed Beverly's ISWG post. Wonderful quote you've showcased, Lexa.
I definitely send healing thoughts. I'm not sure that gummy purple is your color! Be well, (smile).

Kate Larkindale said...

Feel better soon! A yucky tummy is the worst! I'm sending acres of healing thoughts and ginger ale.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What Beverly said resonated with a lot of people. We can't worry. Good choice, Lexa!

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's great what Beverly said. And we need to focus on what we can control in life in general. Have a great weekend!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Sickness always knocks us down. Hope you're feeling better soon. Will add you to my overflowing prayer list.

I did finish Soul Cutter and loved it!!

I like what Beverly had to say!!

JeffO said...

I hope you have a speedy recovery. Great quote from Beverly.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I do hope that this bug you have will go away quickly.

Cathy Kennedy said...

I hope you're feeling better soon. It's no fun when you're under the weather. :(

Tonja Drecker said...

Love the quote! Every time the publishing worries start sneaking in, I remind myself of exactly what she said. We didn't start writing to get published. We write because that's what we do.

Thanks for the reminder :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Beverly's site. Her positive attitude is inspiring. Sending healing thoughts your way! Hope you feel better soon!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Phooey on stomach bugs. Take care of yourself, Lexa, and get well soon. Great news that your writing is going well.
Thanks for quoting me. I'm honored. Will be smiling all day. :)And tweeting and other.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Great outlook, Beverly. I've recently come to the same epiphany while subbing to agents and waiting to hear back. I can't control that part so I gotta let it go.

And feel better Lexa! Ugh, such a drag to have your progress thwarted like that.

Mere Joyce said...

Fantastic quote, and fantastic way to think about writing!

Hope you are feeling better soon, =)

Tanya Miranda said...

Love love love this idea. Joined the blog hop!

I was sick a few weeks ago, back sinus infection. No productivity. Sending my healing thoughts your way.


Cherdo said...

Oh, yuck! I can't celebrate when you're sick. Maybe you can channel this for good. Write intense scenes today.

Cherdo said...

Whoops! I didn't mean to hit enter until I told you GET BETTER, LEXA!!

Melancholy and Menace said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon.

*sending healing thoughts* ♥

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

No doubt about it. Beverly is a voice to listen to. Sorry to hear you're sick. Sending healing thoughts. I put my back out on Monday. Still not moving too quick. Healing thoughts for both of us.

Birgit said...

Her statement applies to life in general I believe. Once we have done our best and it is out of our hands, there is not much more one can do. I love that! For all the creative souls out there, do you best not to worry about something you have no control of. Glad you are writing:)

Julia Thorley said...

Bless you for bothering to post when you're feeling green. Take care and keep drinking the peppermint tea.x

stephen Hayes said...

I'm sending positive thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. Take care.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Love that quote from Beverly! I choose to write today, too.

Prayers, hugs, and healing thoughts headed your way, Lexa!

TheCyborgMom said...

Oh man, stomach bugs are the worst! I hope you feel better soon Lexa and are able to enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

Hope you feel much better soon Lexa! I love that quote you shared and agree with it wholeheartedly! I'm sending you thoughts of healing, success in your writing and enjoying the certainty of today!

messymimi said...

Recover soon! Your stories probably can't wait for you to be better, also.

messymimi said...

And by that i meant, be well so you can write them out. After i hit publish i realized that comment could be taken in a negative way that i do not mean at all!

Kelly Hashway said...

Great quote from Beverly! Sorry you're seck, Lexa. I had migraines that led to a stomach bug that led to a cold. I'm so done with all this sickness. I just wish it were done with me.
Feel better!

The Author said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Carol Kilgore said...

Feel better really soon!

Patricia said...

Hope you are feeling better. Had the bug a few weeks back was ugly but the nasty thing was short lived.

Beverly is right...we only have today... we waste it when we worry.

Unknown said...

love Beverly's quote..and I hope you feel better. I just got over a two week stomach bug as well! No fun!

Cathy Keaton said...

That's a great attitude to adopt and it's pretty much mine nowadays. Every author looking to publish has insecurities and we can't control how others will receive our work. We just have to keep on writing. I believe those who truly never give up on starting that next project will eventually strike a chord with readers along the way.

T.F. Walsh said...

Do feel better soon... being sick is no fun at all. Just keep up the liquids. said...

Feel better soon. I'm getting caught up on your chapters starting tonight, and I d hate to think some stupid virus or bug is sidelining their progress. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better. It stinks to be sick, especially over a weekend. I love Beverly's words.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get better quick! Good advice: I choose to write, come what may.

DMS said...

I hope you are feeling better! Lot of people around me are sick with all different things. I am doing my best to stay well.

Love the quote from Beverly. I think I should print it and hang it up. Wise words!

Nas said...

Hi Lexa!

Hope you get well soon. Congrats to Beverly! Thanks for all the links.

cleemckenzie said...

No one could have said it better. Beverly's attitude is right on, but it shine through whatever she posts, doesn't it. She does her best all the time.

Kelley said...

I hope you're feeling better!

shelly said...

Feel better. I've got a flu bug. But not the stomach one. Thank God!

Unknown said...

I hope you're feeling better by now!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I'm a bit late this time and posted today instead of Friday. Sorry you've been sick, and hope you are much better by now.

Julie Flanders said...

I hope you're feeling better by now, Lexa. Take care!

Jocelyn Rish said...

That sucks that not only were you sick but that the timing derailed your momentum. Hope you're feeling better now and are back on track! And thanks for sharing Beverly's quote - it really is important to remember that.

Loni Townsend said...

I hope you're feeling better by now! Stomach bugs are the worst. :(

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I loved Beverly's post too. Truly inspirational. Feel better!

PlanetKimberly said...

Sorry to hear that you are sick. That stomach bug is going around. I'm hoping to outrun it. I sent you healing vibes!
I love the Beverly Stowe McClure quote. It made my eyes all shiny.
I hope you will be able to get back to writing soon. Take care!

LD Masterson said...

I'm sorry you've been sick. Feel better. And get back to that story.

Nas said...

Great advice from Beverly, thanks for sharing. Get well soon Lexa!

Thanks for all these links.

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